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tv   Good Morning Washington at 500  ABC  January 11, 2013 5:00am-6:00am EST

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>> coming up, a judge rules that james holmes should stand trial
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in charges for the movie theater chain. why his lawyers wanted to delays -- want to delay today's arraignment. >> we expect the debt -- an update from the cdc on the flu season. >> hello. oh my god. >> this is the video prank that has gone a barrel. a virginia man made it appear like nobody was inside his car and made it through various drivers. you have to check this out. good morning washington begins right now. live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. captioned by the national captioning institute rise and shine, washington. it is friday, january 11. >> agreed to have you along. we will start out what jacqui jeras and talk about temperatures, a little bit chilly. >> alert but cooler than yesterday. still not a lot to complain
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about. temperatures overall will be above average yet again for today. let's take a look our winds because we do have some of changing weather in the next 24 hours. cloudy skies are expected this afternoon with late date showers. you can expect that by your drive home. that should drive -- dry up overnight tonight. temperatures now 30 in manassas, 39 in d.c., 30 four in gaithersburg. -- 34 in gaithersburg. we will warm up to the upper 40's and more 50's, and the rain moving and in less than four hours from now. the commute home, maybe not so bad. >> not so bad this morning. as you come from the west on a 66, lanes are open. 95 at pushing north of dale city lanes are open up through to the beltway. it is south i-95 are we are
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getting reports of a car fire. it is talking to collins. that puts it between dale boulevard and come freeze or a. -- gumphreys road. what's happened to maryland passed 97 -- george avenue, lanes are open no problems. getting down to the beltway out of kensington, connecticut avenue is good. that looks good for everybody. 270 out with a quiet start. >> is 5:03. we have some breaking news about the hostage situation as taking place right now in california. >> brianne carter is at the live desk. this is at a mall in the los angeles area. >> absolutely. a woman being held hostage by two armed men at a mall in los angeles. there is a video just into our newsroom. police activity is outside of the mall. according to the l.a. police department, two armed men walked into the nordstrom at about
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11:00 p.m. pacific time, and they have taken the woman into the back of the store. it is not clear at this point what the armed man armed with. police remained on the scene. additional units have been called to the scene. we're just getting reports of a woman being held hostage by two armed men. it is unclear as to how they may have gone inside the store or the relationship between these two. this is something we will continue to follow and update you later on in the newscast. >> we will check back in soon. in the day ahead, a former marine pleaded guilty to firing at several military buildings is scheduled to be sentenced today. they may have to wait tour -- to learn his fate. he admitted last year that he shot at the pentagon, marine corps museum, and recruiting stations. his lawyers say he is schizophrenic, and they want a judge to review whether the plea
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deal and its 25 year jail sentence are appropriate. a big development in the colorado movie theater shooting. late thursday night, a judge ruled that the case can go to trial. >> later today, james holmes is supposed to be arraigned. his lawyers want to delay it saying he is not ready to enter a plea. >> the judge's ruling is not a surprise. after prosecutors spent three days playing out a mountain of evidence including how he amassed guns and ammo, booby trapped his apartment with explosives, and scope out the theatre weeks before the attack police say he even took yuri self portraits before the shooting started. >> he had a black contact lenses on. he looked very evil. he sat in the courtroom, pretty much delighted. >> he is charged with 166 counts, including murder and attempted murder for last
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summer's massacre that left 12 people dead. his attorneys say he is mentally ill. families and do not buy it. >> he had all the time to plan it and talk about it. no, you're not mentally ill. >> the courtroom drama is unfolding as the community is struggling to hear -- to heal. next week, the peter will reopen its doors. >> next, holmes must decide how he may plead. prosecutors will decide whether they will seek the death penalty. >> a student at california high- school is in critical but stable condition after being shot at school. this happened in taft, about 120 miles outside los angeles. a teacher suffered a minor injury. the gunman allegedly fired at others and must before a teacher and another staff member talked him into surrendering. the sheriff says the gunman told investigators that the victim and another student he targeted had been bullying him. the shootings are helping to
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fuel the debate over guns in america. >> there appears to be no consensus over how to tackle the issue. representatives from the nra met with vice-president biden on thursday. they called it an attack on the second amendment. vice-president biden plans to give his recommendations to president obama on tuesday. >> you have to be responsible with what ever you have. people have a fast cars and they're not responsible and the crash and kill people. there are millions of people out there with high capacity rifles, and they are not hurting people. >> the nra says it has seen a flood of new members in the past 18 days and is hoping for even more. >> the teacher u.s. presence in afghanistan is expected to take center stage when president obama and afghan president hamid karzai work at -- meet at the white house today. >> they will hold a private meeting and lunch before holding
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a joint press conference this afternoon. u.s. and international forces are scheduled to leave at the end of 2014. president karzai is good to speak at georgetown university this evening. >> 5:07. 41 degrees. >> still ahead, apple wants to hang up rumors it is creating a ch
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in >> welcome back. 5:10. it is easy to smile on friday when he know what the league -- what the weekend that looks like. >> lots of reasons to smile today. let's focus on the weekend. today unfortunately will be a little bit of an ugly one. we will still be mild. let's take a look at the satellite picture. you can see we had scattered clouds in southern maryland. you will see the moon, the stars, but overall our clouds will stick to route the day. we have a chance of showers throughout the day, especially by the middle of the afternoon. centerville, 36. 40 in germantown. bethesda at 39. 41 degrees in washington d.c. we will make it into the upper 40's and middle 50s today. most cloudy at 9:00. 50 degrees with scattered
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showers by 5:00. that is for the drive home. keep that in mind. how was the commute in? >> right now pretty quiet. not too much volume. as we take a look at interstate 95 north out coming to the beltway, in good shape. then continuing on 395, just fine. southbound, we're still dealing with the vehicle fire. that is at southbound i-95 at cardinal drive before you get to humphrey's road. on the beltway maryland, good, 295 from w parkway, good. scott and cynne, back to you. >> the time now is 5:12. 41 degrees. >> coming up, meredith vieira is saying goodbye to another popular [ male announcer ] verizon
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>> you're watching abc 7's good morning washington with cynne simpson and scott thuman. this is good morning washington, on your side. >> 5:15. a special honor for the man known as the godfather of go-go. vincent gray has signed a bill calling for renaming part of lincoln park chuck brown memorial park. the 900-seat open-air
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amphitheater will be created there in his honor. he died last may. he was 75. >> somebody else will soon be asking who wants to be a millionaire? --? the former today show co-anchor said she is leaving to pursue other ventures including work in the news agency. -- industry. and newport news a virginia man is getting a lot of news for his latest prank that has gone viral. >> you have to take a look at the video. he built a car-free costing which made him appear invisible in the car. he decided to pull up to various directors and videotape the employees' reactions. >> really?
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hello? are you serious? [laughter] >> the reactions range from fright to panic to all kinds of things. the man behind the plant will appear on a "good morning america," ." at one point he says, i'm a ghost, just for my bag of food and. what a good for him. >> take to come and it's and do it. >> take a minute to avoid --
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take a minute to enjoy it. >> take a minute to enjoy the weather today. this is the same storm system that will be coming in later today. it is much weaker when it arrives on our doorstep. nothing severe -- just a little bit of light rain. 39 degrees, that is where we are starting on our party morning. our winds are nice and calm. we have no wind chill factor to deal with. 33 in polis. frederick is at 32 degrees. quantico at 35. 37 in annapolis. pretty comfortable to stress out at this time of year. as we had throughout the day today, we could warm up. i am thinking upper 40's, may be low 50s out there especially into southern maryland. new york is at 46.
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52 in detroit. this big bottle of warm air will be pushing up our way as we head into the weekend. in the west, they will see a big cool down. we have changeable conditions in the next couple of days. here is where our storm system is right now. we do expect iran to move in by the middle of the afternoon. what our future past, because i think it has a pretty good handle on this. i'm showing you the rain moving and by the light -- by mid to late afternoon. it will clear in -- clear up by 10:00 this afternoon. i think we will have some fog developing by tomorrow morning. keep that in mind. that might inhibit our heating oil but tomorrow. we might get close to 60, but better on a saturday. our high will be between 47 and 53 degrees. tonight, our forecast, the fog developing, and in after the evening. our low will be between 38-45.
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look at our 7-day forecast -- some sun tomorrow afternoon, 59 degrees, up to 68 by sunday. no record in d.c., but we might get close by dulles. more rain early next week. >> boy, it is so great to be friday. i like that you put the fog in the production and show it in the image there. i'm so glad we do not have any fog or what pavement today. off to a quiet start for virginia. the 14th street bridge and a 395, no problems. good morning to our nation's capitol. that looks good. crews are dealing with the vehicle fire in virginia on interstate 95 in the southbound direction. we wanted to give you a heads up. southbound i-95, between del boulevard, 66, the lanes are open. maryland 95, the bw parkway
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good. on a maryland 97, closed at liberte road, and will be for the entire rush-hour. the american legion bridge -- this looks good. >> 5:20. in today's tech bytes apple is shooting down rumors of a reporting -- of the offering a cheaper iphone. >> security flaws discovered in software on millions of computers. >> in today's tech bytes, a warning for anybody running job. security experts say you should disable the software because the problem has been detected that allows hackers attack computers. one expert says it is like open season on consumers. apple is knocking down reports it is planning a cheaper version of the iphone. an executive is quoted as saying that the company will not sell on it -- a less expensive version for the sake of growing market share.
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wearable gadgets at ces. some parents might find this pretty practical. this party training solution on display at ces. the ipad compatible device will help children learn.
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(vo) they were married for... 53 years. she was his everything. he can't live alone anymore. but we don't have the room. so, we talked to suntrust... looked at our options... remodeled... for r family, you make it work. he taught me that. (anncr) join the thousands of people switching to suntrust's award-winning service. how can we help you shine today?
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>> misses the three. here is holloway again. this time, he drank it. >> george mason it needed to read clinch a flag at the patriot center. they did not put up much of our process. -- of a protest. the final, 71-46. excitement is building for local fans of women's soccer. the new women's pro league is
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putting out player allocations today. >> they will take at least two players from the usa nationals team. >> hello again everybody. with rgiii in the hospital and redskins of the playoffs, why not jump on the bandwagon for the reagans? ray lewis is back. they will play the broncos in the playoffs tomorrow afternoon. because of rate being passionate and durbin, he needs to succeed. >> it is the turn inside that creates good from great. good is she or not. great is try to figure out when i show up -- you work hard, it will always pay off. the only thing that follows work is results. if you put in the right kind of work, results are the only thing to follow. >> the always passionate an
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interesting ray lewis, the ravens are underdogs in denver tomorrow. have a great day, everybody. cuts in other sports news, major league baseball will not start testing. -- players for human growth hormone throughout the regular season. >> random testing will begin later this year. it was only done during spring training last year. the big change their -- the news came after the baseball hall of fame announced that nobody won the ballot this year for induction. 5:27. 41 degrees. good morning washington continues at 5:30. >> the obama administration has scaled down the number of inaugural balls, but huge crowds are
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live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. >> straight ahead, a miserable start to the year for many. in some cities, flu vaccines are getting very difficult to find. good morning washington. it is friday, january 11. i'm scott thuman. >> i'm cynne simpson. jeras. >> a pretty interesting day. it will be a lot different than the last few. one exception -- our temperatures are still mild. 39 degrees at reagan national. 33 at dulles. gaithersburg, 34. 32 in frederick. we had some scattered cottages, but as you look at the satellite, see how there are different shades of gray? you will see the stars and the middle but between all of this. -- the moon between all of this.
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showers are on the way, but i think they will stay away until maybe middle of the afternoon. 43 at 9:00, 49 at noon, at 50 degrees at 5:00. yes, the showers will be here before the drive home. it could impact your commute home. the problems with our commute in. -- no problems with our commute in. >> i am so glad it is friday morning. we can look at this trip very easily. the teddy roosevelt bridge, quiet. the arlington area, between haymarket and fair oaks, that checks out fine. there had been a car fire that blocked virginia 95 southbound, but everything has now been put to the shoulder. if you're headed out the door, between adel boulevard and humphries, you may encounter some of this activity. volume is forming on 270.
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beyond, it has been wide open near germantown and heading down to the capital beltway. scott and cynne, back to you. >> thank you so much. seven is on your side with the very latest on this horrible flu outbreak we're seeing across the country. >> cc will be providing a service update for people. john gonzalez, lives in bethesda, outside a drugstore. some areas are seeing a shortage when you shop at the pharmacy. >> that is right. emergency rooms have been overwhelmed, look -- working under code read conditions. some pharmacies, like this pharmacy, they have run out of vaccines. more than half the country is now reporting severely high levels of the cases. >> it hit me pretty fast. it knocks the quick. >> according to the cdc 18 children have died. >> we are all little overwhelmed, not only a practitioners, but the care
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givers. what's more than 128 million vaccine doses have been distributed. clinics are quickly running out. but we got 24 boxes of the capsules, but we give out 40-50 prescriptions every day. >> this nasty flu strain has claimed the life of a 22-year- old al qaeda woman. doctors say she had no medical conditions. she never took any medicine. she did pass away. one of the many victims that have fallen to the flu. to put things in perspective of the amount of vaccine that was made, planned to be used this season 95% of it has already been used up. reporting live in bethesda, john gonzalez, abc 7. >> the free flu clinic is going to be held tuesday at laurell regional hospital. that is on tuesday. the clinic will be open to anybody who is at least 18 years
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old. that will run from 2 cop 2 7:00. -- 2:00 until 7:00. >> getting the first official look at the duchess of cambridge. >> brianne carter joins us live with a sneak peek. you can see live over my shoulder. a look at the official painted portrait of the duchess of cambridge, kate middleton. take a look at a photo of the painting, permission by the national portrait gallery. according to reports the duchess is:the portrait amazing. -- callin -- is calling the portrait amazing. she said she wanted to be portrayed as a natural self as opposed to her official self. the painting was done over about three and a half months. back to you guys. >> seeing the two of you side- by-side, there is quite a striking resemblance.
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thank you so much. it is 5:35. thousands are planning to support the president fall in the swearing in ceremony. the inaugural board -- ball organizers say 40,000 tickets have been issued. the commander in chief's ball which is open to invited members of the military, has been expanded. it is 5:36. we're looking at 40 degrees. a mild start to cry. >> still ahead, as we prepared to enjoy spring-like weather in parts of the west, bundle up. they are dealing
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>> we are the softball team. we would like to save -- good morning washington. -- to say -- good morning washington. >> is 5:39 right now. >> that is how we should all wake-up. >> a couple jumps. >> you can get out there this morning and still a little something. later on today, you might get a little white ago you are planning on doing outdoor exercises and jumping. checking on temperatures, it is pretty good. only one spot that is that the freezing mark. sterling is at 32 degrees. we have 34 in waldorf.
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good morning, fairfax. it is 37. look at sterling, they are 32 also. high pressure trying to fight the cloud cover, but the clouds are going to win over. showers move in by this afternoon. our forecast will be mostly cloudy, with scattered showers later on today. more details of your 7-day forecast, but first jamie, good morning, happy friday. >> no problems right now around the capital beltway virginia and maryland. an interstate 95, a number of cars getting into the grooves on north bound -- northbound i- 95. that checks out fine. i want to take you around the beltway. as you head towards the woodrow wilson bridge, getting down to the beltway 95, bw parkway, that was checking out fine. for the early ride on 270, look
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for a spot on early boulevard. there might be delays. a little bit of an increase for volume. back to you. >> that was a very tight shot. thank you so much. >> 5:41. >> new details on this week's three crash in new york cit
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>> coming up, knew at 6:00, we will have a lesson in what not to do to win a date with someone. >> also, why the new dreamliner might be a nightmare for boeing. >> we will have the story of the boy who went missing in 1994, found alive and well years later. >> amazing story. looking at news run the nation, relatives of people in the plane
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crash are suing the company. >> they are saying that he chartered a faulty jet. the unspecified damages -- seven people were killed in the crash in mexico. they included rivera, four of her employees, and to copilots. authorities are trying to figure out what caused the crash. >> the captain of the commuter ferry was blaming mechanical ferries -- mechanical problems for the crash. he tried to dock at the lower manhattan wharf. the perry made a hard landing sending commuters running downstairs and into railings. 70 people were injured. the national transportation safety board is investigating the incident. >> tyler perry is offering a $100,000 award in information -- for information in to go cold cases. -- two cold cases.
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perry says the media is not paying and attention -- enough attention to either case. >> nasa says there is no need to worry about an asteroid hitting earth in 2036. astronomers said a big rock was on track to hit earth on april 20 night -- 2036, but after getting a look at the asteroid, they determined it was not on past. the rock to do significant damage to the dairy -- to the area where it would hurt but not enough to travel -- to trigger any worldwide extension. >> 2012 was the most expensive year for gasoline prices. >> experts say the amount you should spend on gas should drop for the first time in four years. the national average is $3.31. at home, the average is $3.56. $3.42 in maryland. $3.28 in virginia. some great weather this weekend, but it is the opposite in some
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other parts of the country. >> winter weather advisories and warnings are posted from california of light to michigan. michael barr has that story. >> the arctic blast that is dumping store in southern california, shutting down interstate 5 north of los angeles. the roads in high elevations quickly turned icy. >> it was very i see up there. very dangerous roads. >> along with snow and ice, the snow is bringing 45-60 miles per hour winds to the west. the gusty weather triggered mudslides near seattle. as wet snow fell on highways, it slowed down commuters. it is part of a cold front that is sending a chill from the rockies to the middle the country. survivors cleanup from tornadoes in louisiana will feel the chill. >> our patio is in the neighbor's yard. when we got outside we walked out to it. >> this week's storm damage was
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bad enough for louisiana's governor to declare a statewide emergency. michael r., abc 7 news. >> thank you so much. it is five:47. -- 5:47. >> and looks like delta airlines will get to where you want to go on time. let's get to linda bell, live at bluebird's world headquarters in new york. >> good news if you fly delta airlines. among the biggest carriers when it comes to getting customers to their destinations on time. the transportation department says it from jenner to november, about 87% of their flights arrived on time. in case you're wondering the most delayed airline, united and american. the big question is -- could avenue apples are becoming your weight? locals have noticed a large and
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prominent retail space under construction at city center, dc. -- d.c. it has been very quiet and whether or not they have successfully lured apple to open a store there. apple failed to comment on this. if you are hosting the super bowl party this year, and wings are on the menu, it will cost you more. wholesale chicken wing prices have hit an all-time high this week. this is because of rising prices of corn and due to last year's midwest drought. the national check in council warns that prices will rise before the super bowl because of limited supply. -- chicken council warns that prices will rise before the super bowl because of limited supply. >> paying more for wings. we will suffer for the super bowl. >> we will find something else.
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all right, jacqui. >> today will not be fantastic because we have the clouds coming in. we have the rain light brown. temperature-wise, we are still pretty good overall. we do have some changeable weather in the next 24 hours or so but you will love the end of the weekend. 39 degrees is our starting point this morning. calm winds, and the windchill factor to deal with. some chili spots, a few of them, a 30 degree reading in manassas. culpeper is at 32, the freezing mark. lexington park, good morning, 32 degrees. 34 in gaithersburg. dwi at 36 degrees. temperatures will warm up this afternoon. we will get into the upper 40's, low or 50s. how many breaks in the clouds will we get? that will help to determine the temperature. see all this warm air?
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that will be pushing our way as we approach into the weekend. we are looking for soaring conditions. we do have a disturbance off to the west. this will impact us later today bringing the clouds, and it will bring some showers by the middle of the afternoon. our future cast -- one computer model, but it has a pretty good handle on the timing. you can see the showers coming through by the middle of the afternoon and starting to dry up by late in the evening. we will see some cloudiness continue overnight, but it is fog we are concerned about. this time tomorrow morning, dense fog can be expected. we do expect to see sunshine by tomorrow afternoon. that will help to warm things up. our forecast for today, mostly cloudy skies, some late today showers, our highs between 47-53 degrees. you'll see the fog developing by tonight, showers and in by late evening, our low between 38-45
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degrees. your 7-day forecast -- depending on the timing of the clearing, we will get the sunshine early to spike into the '60s. if not, we will be talking about upper 50s. showers for monday and tuesday. those of you that like a cold, we start a plunge by late next week. if you are looking for snow, i finally see snow in the forecast for the 26. we will watch to see the timing on all that. jamie, do like the warm or cold? >> i like this del. let's take you out to some of the roads. nice and quiet good here on our early start to the friday morning. 395, not any delays. if your taking the virginia railway express metrorail, they are all reporting on time. maryland beltway leaving college park pass, so far, so good.
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there is still the water main break and queens chapel road. i want to give the heads up. that is near queens chapel road. scott and cynne, back to you. >> thank you so much. we have an alert we want to pass on to you. due to a water main break at queens chapel road, there are some delays there. a big heads up. >> as we were hearing from jenni -- from jaime, that is affecting traffic and the bus routes. it is 5:53. 40 degrees. >> one of the most buzz about movies finally opens nationwide.
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skipping meals may seem like a good weight loss strategy, but it actually backfires. >> we have the details. >> if you battle with your weight, remember this -- eat breakfast like a king, went like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. >> have a large breakfast. lunch should be enough to power you through the rest of the day. at dinner, have a light dinner sleep and sleep well and be restored for the next day. >> if the evening meal is your biggest or you skip meals you're not alone. >> i rarely eat three meals a day.
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>> maybe two. they are large meals. >> skipping meals does not help us lose weight. people who do not eat breakfast tend to weigh more than those who do. >> breakfast arps -- helps to rev up your metabolism. >> and also helps keep our hundred level on an even keel so we do not reach for junk food. also, eat a balanced lunch. she suggests a lean protein whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. for dinner, no more royal treatment. keep it simple and light. >> a solid with beans or chicken on top. -- salad with beans or chicken on top. >> is best to eat every four- five hours. -- 4-5 hours. >> a man's eye color may help determine how much you should trust him. researchers say man with brown eyes tend to have more trust for
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the facial features in comparison to people with blue eyes. they say brown eyed men shared a facial features like rounded bases and larger eyes, qualities that seemed more masculine whereas men with blue eyes had a facial features that made them seem shifty. >> i had my eyes on you, blue eyes. >> i do not know what you're talking about. >> 5:58. in entertainment news, it appears that justin timberlake will be releasing new music. >> he released a video can into a studio. he hasn't released an album in seven years while pursuing an acting career. >> destiny's child may have recorded a new song. they announced thursday that they are releasing a new track called "nuclear." it will appear on a compilation album of love songs which is
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being released at the end of the month. >> would not know who gets paid to do this, but in news survey claims that connate west's popularity is on the decline. according to researchers west's popularity took a u-turn in the past year. he is now expecting a baby. the movie zero dark thirty opens nationwide today. >> good morning, washington. i must see movie arrives for the weekend, the oscar contending "zero dark thirty." ♪ "zero dark thirty" recreates the hunt for osama bin laden with jessica testing as a durbin intelligence agent whose single- minded focus unravels the mystery of the modern's location. it creates the


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